The Sato Project

Last May @chipiedc & I adopted ‪#‎LoveLaLupe‬ from the @thesatoproject & my first thought was in gonna need to start making ‪#‎DogBandanas‬ well a year later & ‪#‎MadeInTheUsa‬ ‪#‎Bandanas‬ are available at & ‪#‎TwoDollars‬ of each order will be donated to ‪#‎TheSatoProject‬ a 501(c)(3) dedicated to rescuing abandoned & abused dogs in ‪#‎PuertoRico‬ Made up of volunteers that operate solely on donations, @thesatoproject fights to make permanent change for these amazing dogs (like Lupe) for more info or to donate directly check out

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