
Cabo Cado Summer 13 Store Locator!

Posted on June 03, 2013 by Cabo Cado

Really excited about all the new locations where you can find Cabo Cado this upcoming Summer season!

Posted in ARTichoke, Atlantic Spice Co, Blue Buoy, Cape Cod Beer, Cape Cod Canal Visitor Center, Craftworks, Current Vintage, Mocean, Mosees, Nauset Surf, Nicholas Harrison Gallery, Periwinkles, Picnic Fashion, Quicks Hole, Rainy Day, Sativa, The Cape Cod Dog, The Little Beach Gallery, The Lobster Trap, The Nantucket Hotel, The Pink Polka Dot, Uncle Bills Country Store, Utilities Home, Winnetu Oceanside Resort

Weekly wrap up

Posted on November 02, 2012 by Cabo Cado

Halloween at the Trap with the loveliest Canalwoman ever and a nice new display at the counter!, (Thank you Jenny) Cabo Cado in Barnstable Village at Mosees on Main St! (Thank you Maura) A new Nantucket fabric Koozie (Thank you for posing Amanda ) and a super storm named Sandy (No thank you)...On the Cape we made out better than most. Sincere best wishes going out to all effected.

Posted in Koozies, Mosees, Nantucket


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